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发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
影响单价的幕后英雄是 Smart Price 机制, 顾名思义是GG为平衡广告发布者的利益设置的价格平衡系统, 目前可以知道的是

1. Smart Price 会影响整个帐户, 而不是单个通道
2. Smart Price 的活动周期以周为单位
3. Smart Price 的活动周期以月为单位

Smart Price 的目的就是为了广告发布商(AdWords) 平衡价格, 简单地说如果来自一个Adsense帐户的引导没有最终为广告发布商带来效益, 在下一个 Smart Price的活动周期单价就会下降, GG有自己的和已经给广告发布商的分别评价系统.

Smart Price 即为保护广告发布商的利益, 其实也为GG自己考虑,  它需要真正能为广告发布商带来效益才是其广告计划的发展根本 (请多体会这句).

一个坏的通道, 会影响整个帐户

在网页投放广告方面, 因为 Smart Price, 如果着眼于颜色一体, 浏览者的误点击, 或者浏览者无意点击等等, 这样的点击不会为广告发布商带来任何效益, 所以不久会影响帐户的 Smart Price, 从而影响整个帐户. 这就象左派武功一样, 虽然短时间内很见效, 但长远考虑就不及正宗武功那样深厚了.

到后来, 别人0.5点击率的单价会远高于你1.5-2.0(或者更高)点击率的单价, 而你的点击率再回到0.5的时候, 你的价格已经惨不忍睹, 就象黄河水一样, 河堤会越来越高.

所以关键还是建设好网页的内容, 上面有浏览者真正需要的资料, 而广告的放置我们可以看看国外许多真正的大网站, 一般是独立的, 鲜明的, 相关的形式出现,让浏览者能选择其真正感兴趣的内容, 从而产生真正的价值这些大网站不是不知道各种技巧, 但其实只有这样才是真正的广告投放之道.


仅仅发表与 广告发布者论坛, 个人观点, 一家之言(另外GG最近关于欺诈点击的官司, 估计会让GG会对真正有效的引导更加重视, Smart Price影响帐户会越来越明显, 谁叫它没Yahoo硬气呢, 人家就是不陪
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
原帖由 52WAP 于 2006-3-21 11:10 发表另外GG最近关于欺诈点击的官司, 估计会让GG会对真正有效的引导更加重视, Smart Price影响帐户会越来越明显, 谁叫它没Yahoo硬气呢, 人家就是不陪...
这个问题倒还是得区别来看,Google所谓的赔钱和促销差不多,因为不是赔给因为Fraud Clicks受到损失的人,而是给以后投放的一些广告主。
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
哇  第一次知道
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
One poorly converting site can "smart price" an entire AdSense account
Google has said very little publicly about Smart Pricing secret sauce which results in some publishers earning more money for a click while others earn less (and yes, the advertiser will also pay less accordingly).

Here is the basis of how smart pricing works:

Google's smart pricing feature automatically adjusts the cost of a keyword-targeted content click. So if our data shows that a click from a content page is less likely to turn into actionable business results - such as online sales, registrations, phone calls, or newsletter signups - we reduce the price you pay for that click.
And this often used example explains how this works more precisely.

As an example of smart pricing, consider two websites, each related to digital photography. The first page features digital camera reviews, while the second offers photography tips. Clicks from the page of photography tips might be charged less, because they are expected to convert into sales less frequently, resulting in lower value for advertisers. Google data determines that clicks from the digital camera reviews convert better, so clicks from this page are not discounted.
And since very little is publicly disclosed to publishers about how smart pricing specifically works, there are many questions surrounding it. However, while AdSense was attempting to get a publisher back from YPN, one support team member disclosed more details than perhaps he or she should have.

Here is what that team member disclosed, as well as other tidbits already known about smart pricing.

Smart pricing affects an entire account. It is not on a per page or per site basis.
One poorly converting site can result in smart pricing impacting an entire account, even sites completely unrelated to the poorly converting one.
Smart pricing is evaluated each week. So removing ads from sites you suspect are converting poorly could result in seeing an adjustment to a higher smart pricing percent in as little as a week.
Smart pricing is tracked with a 30 day cookie, so you could be rewarded for new conversions that saw the initial click from your site up to 29 days earlier.
Image ads are also affected by smart pricing.
With smart pricing, an advertiser could end up paying less than their minimum bid, which would theoretically include the minimum bid price available, meaning publishers earn less for even the minimum valued clicks.
Conversions for smart pricing publisher accounts are tracked by those advertisers who have opted into AdWords Conversion Tracking
This raises the question about whether publishers should be removing AdSense from sites they suspect are converting poorly, in order to increase their smart pricing percentage. The loss of revenue could be more than made up with higher smart pricing across the rest of the account. But publishers do not have access to any of the data that would be used to determine which sites (if any) are converting better than others.

It would also be hard to tell this from AdSense stats - even using channels to differentiate sites because one site with a low CPM could actually be converting the highest, but is simply in a lower earning niche. But a publisher could mistaken a low CPM for also being poorly converting and remove those ads... which could result in even smart pricing reducing overall per click earnings even more.

Other things can also affect day to day earnings that have absolutely nothing to do with smart pricing. This means it is extremely hard to track without information AdSense is unwilling to disclose about each account.

This kind of unknown situation makes it very tempting for publishers to want a second AdSense account, especially for publishers that have quality sites as well as "less than quality" sites. While second accounts are hard to get, I bet there are publishers who will be working on getting a new company name for this purpose.

How do you plan on using this information? Removing AdSense - or swapping it for YPN instead - and wait a week or two and see if there seems to be an increase in CPM? Wait and see what others do?
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
* Smart pricing affects an entire account. It is not on a per page or per site basis.
* One poorly converting site can result in smart pricing impacting an entire account, even sites completely unrelated to the poorly converting one.
* Smart pricing is evaluated each week. So removing ads from sites you suspect are converting poorly could result in seeing an adjustment to a higher smart pricing percent in as little as a week.
* Smart pricing is tracked with a 30 day cookie, so you could be rewarded for new conversions that saw the initial click from your site up to 29 days earlier.
* Image ads are also affected by smart pricing.
* With smart pricing, an advertiser could end up paying less than their minimum bid, which would theoretically include the minimum bid price available, meaning publishers earn less for even the minimum valued clicks.
* Conversions for smart pricing publisher accounts are tracked by those advertisers who have opted into AdWords Conversion Tracking
发表于 2006-3-21 | 只看该作者
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