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Stay away from the 468 x 60 ad block

发表于 2006-10-25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
昨晚一整晚在看<Google Adsense Secrets>这本书.里面有很好玩的一段,讲和个广告格式的优劣的.

最差劲的就是:468*60的格式了.经过我的试验也确实是这样的.我在同一个面一个在文章和文章尾分别放了:336*280和468*60 两个adsense 最后的结果就是:336*280广告点击率不变,而且单价也保持原来那样.但是:468*60的点击率只有0.76%,而且单价低地可怜.10次点击才0.10.这是经过两天试验的结果.


336 x 280 – the Large Rectangle.

Why should you choose the 336 x 280 ad block? Simple. It gets the most clicks! My studies have shown that this format looks most like real content added to a page.  I’ve dabbled with every size Google offers and this is the size that consistently has the best results. Other people have told me the exact same thing. That’s all I need to know!

Second best is the 300 x 250 – The Medium Rectangle.

This ad block size is really useful when you went to have two sets of ads side by side.  They fit on most web pages just perfectly!

I would also recommend using the 'wide skyscraper', text-only ads on the right hand edge of the screen — in conjunction with the 3-way matching I talk about in chapter 4.

If you think about it, nearly all PC users are right handed (even left-handed people like me control their mouse with their right hand because it's how we were 'brought up' to use a mouse.) By placing the ads on the right hand edge it's psychologically 'less distance' between your right hand and the screen.

This 'closeness' in my opinion makes the user feel more comfortable and therefore more likely to click through to a link. They feel more in control of their visit experience.

Stay away from the 468 x 60 ad block!

One of the first things people do when they sign up for AdSense is to grab a
468 x 60 ad block.

Big mistake.

I have a theory about why they do this.  It’s the same theory that explains
why the 468 x 60 block does not entice clicks.

Most site owners have the mindset that when they put Google ads on their site, they must place the code that conforms most to traditional web advertising.  And that would be...?  Yup, the 468 x 60, the ubiquitous banner format that we have all come to know and love and... IGNORE.

Everyone is familiar with the 468 x 60. And that’s exactly why the click- through rate on this size is very low, even among advertisers who use images on their banners.

The 468 x 60 blocks screams, &quot;Hey!  I am an advertisement!  Whatever you do, DON'T click me.  In fact, you should run from me as fast as you can!&quot;

In all but a few special cases, I have found the 468 x 60 ad block to be completely ineffective, and recommend ignoring it the same way your visitors do.
发表于 2006-10-25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-25 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-10-25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-26 | 只看该作者
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