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Google Analytics hearts AdSense publishers

发表于 2006-9-9 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
As an AdSense publisher, you've probably put a lot of effort into making your website the best it can be -- optimizing your ads, building good content, and driving high quality visits. But there's one crucial step left: to see just how effective these things are. How many visitors are you getting each day? What pages are they visiting? Where do they come from, and which keywords brought them to your site -- both from pay-per-click efforts and from natural search?

Many website owners push their site live, and then leave it at that, remaining in the dark about all these questions. Google Analytics can enlighten you. We think it's much more fun to have the answers to these burning questions, and that you owe it to yourself to know for sure. After all, this is the payoff for all the hard work that's gone into creating your site. When you launch or make a change to it, there's that initial excitement of wondering who's going to check it out. And Google Analytics can help you with all of this.

It's as easy to set up as AdSense. All you need to do is add a couple lines of code to each page in your site, and to gain valuable insight with graphical representations of visitor levels and detailed, easy-to-use reports that show:

pageviews of each of individual web pages

the average time spent on each page

new vs. returning visitors

visitors' geographical location and language

their browser and platform choices

click path data

Perhaps this gives you an idea of how Google Analytics can help you measure the success of changes to your site, and confidently make design choices. The best part? After retreating into invitation mode since it launched last November, we're happy to tell you that Analytics is now available for everyone, so you can get started analyzing your site right away.

Happy tracking!

Posted by Jeff Gillis - Product Marketing for Google Analytics
发表于 2006-9-9 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-9-9 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-9-9 | 只看该作者

但有一个关键步骤离开:看到这些都有效. 多少市民每天让你. 他们访问页什么?



谷歌Analytics可以告诉你. 我们觉得更有趣的答案,迫切的问题,你应该为自己知道. 毕竟,这是国力的艰辛工作的投入设立网址. 你进行修改,或作,有初步的设想,他兴奋的要一探究竟. 谷歌Analytics,所有能帮忙.

这是容易成立AdSense. 你们只需增加两行代码每一页的网址,取得了宝贵的启示,以图形表示,详细的旅游水平,易于使用的报告显示: pageviews每一个人网页的平均时间,每一页与新回国参观游客地理位置和语言的浏览器和平台的选择上点击数据或许让你知道如何谷歌Analytics帮助你衡量成功修改网址,自信使设计选择. 最好的.

在邀请方式退而因为去年11月,我们高兴地告诉大家,供大家Analytics现在,你可以立即开始分析网址. 快乐跟踪.

发表于 2006-9-10 | 只看该作者
Google Analytics让adsense发布者激动不已

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