标题: 刚收到一封GG的英文信件,请求翻译 [打印本页] 作者: 5ff 时间: 2005-11-25 标题: 刚收到一封GG的英文信件,请求翻译 本人英文水平实在糟糕,有几段看不明白,请哪位帮翻译一下,谢谢!
This is a quick update to address some issues you may be seeingin your Google Analytics account and what we're doing to respond.
First, due to extremely high demand, we've temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. This allows us to focus on our primary objective--to provide a great user experience for our existing users.
Next, here is current information on the most common questions we're receiving:
1. The 'Check Status' button is being reworked to check for properly installed tracking code. This should be fixed by the end of November.
2. The '+Add Profile' link has been temporarily removed until we increase capacity. We'll alert all current users when the feature is restored.
3. While we increase capacity, you may see longer than normal delays in data showing up in your reports. All data continues to be collected and no data has been lost.
Thanks for your patience as we improve Google Analytics and add resources to ensure a high-quality service.作者: zhaoj 时间: 2005-11-25
晕,我也收到了,也在寻求翻译中。。。作者: coolkid 时间: 2005-11-25
这个跟ADSENS没有关系,是说GG统计的作者: kuice 时间: 2005-11-25
GG的统计啊。。我申请了,但是没用作者: soweel 时间: 2005-11-25
我也收到了 我还以为是怎么了呢……作者: 总代 时间: 2005-11-25
这是快的更新去向你可能见到的一些议题发表演说在你的 Google 分析学帐户和我们正在做回应的中。
当我们改善 Google 分析学而且增加的时候,谢谢你的耐性资源确定一个高质量服务。作者: ggads 时间: 2005-11-26
上面的是可怕的机器翻译结果, 不过我想你们可以从这里看明白大致的意思。
就是由于大量的申请人数导致Google分析不能为更多的用户提供统计服务了, 以后注册的帐号会被有选择性地开通。作者: 卯时下雨 时间: 2005-11-26
This is a quick update to address some issues you may be seeingin your Google Analytics account and what we're doing to respond.
Google 统计账户做了些调整,借这信向大家说明一下:
First, due to extremely high demand, we've temporarily limited the number of new signups as we increase capacity. This allows us to focus on our primary objective--to provide a great user experience for our existing users.
Next, here is current information on the most common questions we're receiving:
1. The 'Check Status' button is being reworked to check for properly installed tracking code. This should be fixed by the end of November.
1.Check Status(查看状态)按钮现在已经被改用来查看 正确安装了的跟踪代码. 在11月底之前这个应该会被修复.
2. The '+Add Profile' link has been temporarily removed until we increase capacity. We'll alert all current users when the feature is restored.
2. Add Profile(增加档案)链接已经暂时被取消. 之后装会恢复. 恢复后我们会通知当前的所有用户.
3. While we increase capacity, you may see longer than normal delays in data showing up in your reports. All data continues to be collected and no data has been lost.
3. 在调整阶段, 你们报告中日数据的显示将会有些延迟. 但所有数据不会丢失,将会继续被记录
Thanks for your patience as we improve Google Analytics and add resources to ensure a high-quality service.
感谢您在我们升级Google 统计系统和为提供更优秀服务而增加资源期间表现出来的耐心.