
标题: 官方blog上发现的,或许可以解释最近广告少的原因 [打印本页]

作者: ewen118    时间: 2006-9-26
标题: 官方blog上发现的,或许可以解释最近广告少的原因
AdBrite targeting upgrade
Thursday, September 21, 2006, 08:57 PM ET
We've just upgraded AdBrite's CPC targeting.

What's changed?

AdBrite's CPC auction used to work such that an ad with the highest bid won. Now, the system takes into account each bid, as well as each ad's clickthrough ratio. In other words, an ad that has a low bid -- but many clicks -- could be shown instead of an ad with a high bid but few clicks.

Why the change?

Showing ads with a higher clickthrough ratio means that we're showing more relevant ads -- and everyone likes ads that are more relevant. A side-benefit is that CPC prices may drop while targeted click volume increases.

As usual, we only charge you the *minimum* amount to appear on a site, just 1-cent CPC higher than the ad you beat out. And, of course, we'll never exceed your maximum CPC or daily budgets.

If you're an advertiser with campaigns running right now with AdBrite, this upgrade may (or may not) affect your campaigns. If your CPC and/or click volumes change, this is why.

What else is new?

Thanks for asking. After 2+ years, we finally launched an "about us" page. Read about our history, management, jobs, and see live traffic stats. Click here.

作者: 蓝昊    时间: 2006-9-26
作者: vimixll    时间: 2006-9-26
significant explanation
作者: vimixll    时间: 2006-9-26
try to use a Proxy,you will find the words he said is all right
作者: ewen118    时间: 2006-9-27
原帖由 vimixll 于 2006-9-26 22:02 发表try to use a Proxy,you will find the words he said is all right
我用代理看了 没发现有什么改变的
作者: Itachi    时间: 2006-9-27
作者: Itachi    时间: 2006-9-27
Adbrite的拍卖会使用的工作,努力取得最高的广告. 现在,考虑到各投标制以及各广告的clickthrough率. 即是以有低价,但是很多网民,而能表现出较高的广告图少点.     
广告展示clickthrough率较高意味着我们更相关的广告,广告,什么是更重要的. 附带效益,价格下降,针对中共点击量增加.   
象往常一样,只负责你*最小数量出现地点,只是一党的问题比你打. ,当然,你永远无法超越党和每日最高预算.     
你的广告经营活动,目前在Adbrite,可以提高(或不)影响你的运动. 你中共和/或数量改变一下,这是为什么?     
要感谢. "2年后,终于推出了"关于我们"页. 经过了历史、管理工作和生活的交通统计见. 点击这里.
作者: 蓝昊    时间: 2006-9-27
作者: uruq    时间: 2006-9-28
We've just upgraded AdBrite's CPC targeting.

What's changed?

AdBrite's CPC auction used to work such that an ad with the highest bid won. Now, the system takes into account each bid, as well as each ad's clickthrough ratio. In other words, an ad that has a low bid -- but many clicks -- could be shown instead of an ad with a high bid but few clicks.

作者: hogo    时间: 2006-9-28
作者: xondey    时间: 2006-9-29

这样有点仿效Google,经过这次改进,广告主只需花费更少的钱就可以展示更多的广告次数。这样ADbrite公司会能到更多的广告发布商。而我们短期内收入会减少,但显示的广告内容会多起来, 而不是以前的每天也是出现那几个广告。不排除会出现像GG一样的垃圾广告。

作者: gonglindi    时间: 2006-9-29
作者: hogo    时间: 2006-9-30

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