1. individuals deploying automated clicking programs or software applications (called bots) specifically designed to click on ads
2. an individual employing low-cost workers or incentivizing others to click on the advertising links
3. publishers manually clicking on the ads on their pages
4. publishers manipulating web pages in such a way that user interactions with the web site result in inadvertent clicks
5. publishers subscribing to paid traffic websites that artificially bring extra traffic to the site, including extra clicking on the ads
6. advertisers manually clicking on the ads of their competitors
7. publishers being sabotaged by their competitors or other ill-wishers
8. various types of unintentional clicks, such as doubleclicks or customers getting confused and unintentionally clicking on the ad without a malicious intent.
9. technical problems, system implementation errors and coordination activities between Google.com and its affiliates resulting in double-counting errors
10. multiple accounts of AdSense publishers: some AdSense publishers illegally open “new” accounts under different names and using false identities; all the clicks originated from these illegal accounts are considered invalid.作者: ycrake 时间: 2006-7-25
看着累啊,晕作者: hahafei1 时间: 2006-7-26
1. 利用自动点击程序或者专门为点击广告而设计的应用软件。
2. 雇用低价劳力或者诱导他人点击广告链接。
3. 发布者人工点击他们页面上的广告。
4. 发布者以此种方式操作自己的网页:其用户与站点的交互过程导致不经意的广告点击。
5. 发布者向流量站点预购可以虚假地给他们的站点带来的额外流量,包括对广告的额外点击。
6. 广告客户人工点击他们竞争者的广告。
7. 遭受他们竞争者或其它恶意者报复的发布者。
8. 各种类型的无意识点击,例如二次点击或者客户感到困惑而无意识的非怀恶意的广告点击。
9. 技术问题、系统执行错误以及Google.com与他的会员之间协同活动导致的双重统计错误。
10. 多账户的Adsebse发布者:一些Adsense发布者非法以不同姓名和虚假身份开立“新“帐户;所有来自这些非法账户的点击均视为无效的。作者: ycrake 时间: 2006-7-26
有人翻译了,感谢hahafei1作者: ycrake 时间: 2006-7-26
认真看了一遍,收获不少作者: 无奈无赖 时间: 2006-7-26
4. 发布者以此种方式操作自己的网页:其用户与站点的交互过程导致不经意的广告点击。