Why do my reports show a different total than my Payment History?
Earnings on your Reports pages are rounded and displayed daily. These amounts may differ from those on your Payment History page, which are rounded and displayed monthly when payments are calculated.
Your Payment History page therefore reflects finalized earnings through the end of last month. Earnings from the current month are not finalized, so they're not included on the Payment History page. Using a date range for your Advanced Reports through the end of last month should show earnings that closely align with your earnings as shown on the Payment History page.
In contrast, the reports listed under the Reports tab in your AdSense account are typically updated every few hours, as they're intended to provide you with good estimates of the current activity in your account. However, the information in the reports is subject to change after our logs have been internally verified. During this verification process, there might be slight roundings up and down, as our stats record up to several decimal places.
Final payments as shown on your Payment History page will reflect final, verified revenue amounts. These payments should closely align with, but may not always match 100%, the information in your reports.作者: 老DO 时间: 2006-7-23
这表示 Google Adsense 正在进行人工审查和人工定位每一个 Google Adsense 发布网站,决定你的站点质量及收入级别。作者: raygates 时间: 2006-7-23
主要是由于四舍五入的时间段不同造成的作者: davidyin 时间: 2006-7-24